International Development Organisations; Police Forces, Financial Services, Automotive Industry: Change Management Training
Using our 5-Step Sustainable Change Model designed and delivered change management training programmes for change leaders and agents
Provided coaching and action learning support
Enabled development of skills and internal capacity to sustain the change
Police Forces; Local Government; International Development Organisations: Staff Engagement Studies
Systematic approach to culture-change to develop and implement the ‘Communities First’ imperative
Designed and facilitated staff engagement processes to identify the current and desired culture
Facilitated action planning and implemented a methodology resulting in positive shift towards the desired culture
Financial Services; Police Forces; Local Authority: Culture Change and Change Management
Designed and implemented a methodology for culture analysis
Designed and facilitated a series of focus groups with managers and staff as part of the staff engagement process; conducted culture diagnostic surveys
Resulted in positive culture change as evidenced by longitudinal studies
International Development Organisations: Culture Change Strategy and Plan of Action
Formulated the culture change strategy, culture change framework and implementation plan
Facilitated the action planning process with senior management
Provided guidance to implement transformational change with a specific focus on culture change
Government Department; Humanitarian Organisation: Organisation Alignment
Systematic Analysis of structure, roles and processes
In-depth data through staff engagement and activity analysis
Developed innovative proposals for enhancing the structure and quality of roles
Humanitarian Assistance: Workforce Planning and Staffing Review
Developed a workforce planning strategy and plan of action
Conducted a staffing review to re-align roles and responsibilities with the strategic priorities and changing culture
Provided recommendations for change and ways of implementing relevant actions